Saturday, August 25, 2007

Computer woes

I have been having computer problems for I don't know how long. The problem with technical support is that it originates in India and often causes more problems than it solves unless you get the right Saheeb. More often than not I get the wrong Saheeb. The last incident involved sending me a second hard drive after I lost all data once again. I wiped out and reinstalled everything on my computer three times after receiving it, twice in one night. I am so sick at this point that I demanded a replacement as I have never had as many problems with a computer as this one. We have 5 computers in our house as our my kids homeschool online. Included in those is one very old one with a celery (celleron) processor, other than being slow it functions well. I have been promised by several layer of customer service, also in India, that I will receive another computer in 5-12 days. In the mean time I am bored and decide, what can it hurt to see if I can do anything with this computer. Voila, it is working. Now I haven't installed the Vista update and the only problem I had installing drivers was with the video card but all seems to be working well.

In addition to all this, we are trying to get Princesa Briana prepared for Argentina. This is quite a task. I am physically and emotionally drained but as always will survive.

School started in Casa de Tyson the 13th. Krista started middle school and is doing well so far. My little ones are growing up fast.

Hope all is well with you


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