Thursday, November 29, 2007

My daughter, Krista

My daughter approaches schoolwork in a very unique way. Just look at the picture. She had to write an essay for English. She wrote about Lucie, great but when I looked at the instructions for the essay she was supposed to write about shopping. She had to research, outline etc. We pulled up the resource, she read everything and wrote the outline. For the first writte assignment, she only had to write the introduction. No problem, she already had the outline, she just had to put the meat on it. I left for the grocery store and told her to write the introduction. I came home and looked at was about my dog lucie. I couldn't understand why she did all the research about shopping and then wrote about Lucie. Her reply was that she hates shopping, why would she want to write about something she hates. That's logical isn't it. It is but at some point she has to start coloring in the lines.

Today we talked to her science teacher and she refered to a paragraph she was supposed to write. For research, she was supposed to make a chart about the animals in Belize. Guess which animal was on the chart...not lucie this time, Sam, whose habitat our back yard. I can't figure out what is going on in her brain.

One positive, she had to answer the question: Where do the fossil fuels come from? She answered Noah's flood. In response to the question What is the impact of global warming on our earth she said "There is no such thing as global warming" I guess she hears and retains what she wants to. Daddy said she is smarter than her teacher.

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