We thought this week would be a disapointment. The girls helped paint Grandpa's house to pay for a week of tennis camp at University of Florida. Andrea went last year and had a great time. When we tried to sign them up, it was full. We had to find another camp and that we did, Flagler. The girls were sad. This week turned out to be the most incredible experience. The girls learned more this week than they ever had. UF camp was just playing pro sets. The Flagler camp was run by the coach of the tennis team at Flagler and they concentrated on technique. The videotaped their shots, critiqued them and gave them pointers. Andrea's shots improved tremendously. They hit for 2 1/2 hours straight. It was a much shorter time but much more productive. After tennis we went to the beach and pool at Grandma's. We also walked down George St. St. Augustine is such a cool place.
The girls bought the WII game rock band and have been spending every available minute playing it. It is really hilarious to watch. Andrea is the official drummer and Joanna is the singer and Krista plays the guitar. Joanna sings all the time in the car. Every song only has one note when she sings so it is ironic that she is the singer.
We are down to less than 2 weeks before Briana comes home. I haven't talked to her much lately due to the internet and both of us being very busy. Jimmy and Bro Tom have furiously been trying to get the car going. Hopefully it will be done.
The little girls ( I am going to have to quite calling them that because they are not little anymore) are going to camp tomorrow. We have been packing for that. They are so excited. They have never been to camp without me. They are 12 and 14 now, they should be okay. Andrea has been going to camp since she was 5. But she has always been grown up.
Happy Summer Days to all.