Monday, August 25, 2008


I am relaxing after a very stressful week. Last week was Fay. If you don't know who she is, be glad. She was a quite pesky hurricane. It all began on Tuesday evening with the cancelling of school for two days. Nothing much happened on Wednesday, it was an ugly day but managable. We had alot of rain on Thursday, but storms are no big surprise to Floridians. As the day wore on the weather got progressively worse. Friday was horrible, rain and floods everywhere. Sysco even closed their doors. We were cooped up in the house for nearly 3 days. I finished 2 quilt tops. Saturday night I noticed my floor buckling. The next morning when I took something from my pantry, there was standing water on the shelves. Our ceiling was leaking during the storm but we didn't realize it was that bad. I was distressed.

To back up a little. Tuesday before all this happened I took my two oldest daughters to the driver's liscence office to get their liscences. Andrea passed and Briana didn't. We made an appointment for the next morning before all the cancellation. We drove out there and it was closed. It was raining but not too terribly bad, at least not worse than it was the day before when they took the first test. All we heard on the news was Fay, but on Wednesday it didn't look too bad.

Well, it is now Monday night. Briana finally made it back to the driver's liscence office and is now officially a liscenced driver. Her Aunt Robyn let her use her smaller car and she passed easily. I am glad that is over. Now for the warning....EVERYONE LOOK OUT.

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