Thursday, February 16, 2012

What I learned from Eighth Graders

My posts are sporadic. My life is very busy, that is a good thing, but it does impair my creativity. In December, I resigned from th DCPS. I felt like I was too old to fight that battle. I had never in my life been to public school. I had never worked in the public sector. I had never personally been exposed to Unions. I didn't know your employer could deduct money from your check to put in a retirement account for you, without your permission. And I had certainly never been exposed to grade recovery, compass odyssey, limelight, alt cert, and th list goes on. I was definitely on foreign soil. I really had some great students and colleagues, but I guess I am more of a free enterprise kind of gal. When I was offered the job at a private school, I took it.

Here is where eighth graders enter. I teach ninth grade Economics and eighth grade Bible. I have never taught eighth grade and only taught ninth a few times. Eighth graders are a strange breed. Here is what I have found to be true, not necessarily in order of importance.

In order for something to be heard, it must be repeated at least 5 times per student.

In order for students to notice the homework assignment written on the board, it has to be multicolored with stars around it, and that is only good once and for just a few observant kids. The next time you have to find another way to make it stant out.

When called out for talking, it is never their fault and they are not the only one.

Arguments can go on for days.

Read is a four letter word.

Their notebook is always in their locker

When a child has his hand raised during discussion, it is probably to go to the restroom, not to answer the question.

Drama, drama, drama, life is so full of drama.

They contain copious amounts of energy and really don't have a lick of sense, but they don't claim to know anything, that will come next year in ninth grade.

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