Tuesday, February 26, 2008

In like a lion

That is what they say about March, isn't it? But it is February. Every week of this month has had at least one day of severe weather which included tornado warnings. It has resulted in the rescheduling of 2 tennis matches and we are early in the season. The wind is howling, the rain is at torrential levels and our garbage cans are at the road. Today was garbage day. It is the girls job to put the cans to the road if their kitchen night falls on the night before garbage day. The one who has kitchen on garbage day brings the cans in. I try to let them do things on their own but that doesn't seem to work. Consequently the cans are at the road during this deluge and you know that the garbage men always leave some trash by the cans. Maybe they'll learn or maybe I am dreaming. The little dogs don't like to go outside to potty when the weather is like this. It is a task getting them to do what they are supposed to do.
The storm just passed and I instructed Krista to get the cans up. That was about as easy as pulling teeth with a pair of pliers. She did it with a nice pleasant attitude too. Teenagers...well almost.

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