Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sarah Palin in Jacksonville

We saw Sarah Palin yesterday. It was a grand experience. We arrived at the Landing around 6:30. We stood in line until it began moving at 7. We went through airport style searches. Krista caused agitation at the checkpoint. She brought her ipod and DS to keep her entertained for the several hours we had to wait (this included and old phone of ours that no longer worked). They wanted all electronic devices turned on. Well, the old phone didn't turn on, and she neglected to turn on the DS and Ipod. The lady checking it was irritated and spoke to my oldest daughter. I had already gone through the line and my cell phone rang on the table, I was dealing with that and saw none of this exchange. Briana reacted in classic Briana form and proceeded to tell me that I needed to deal with my child and do it exactly like she thought it should be done. I reacted in the classic Melody form and ignored her.

We made it inside and found a great photo taking spot. At the beginning there was plenty of room but as the day went on it became very crowded. There should have been many places to exit as the area was round with steps leading out all around. As it turned out ours was the only area where the volunteers were keeping a space open for entrance and exit. As the crowds increased this became the only place to enter and exit. Paramedics, coffee fetchers, bathroom goers etc all passed by us. Every time they came by, we shifted and moved closer to the media pit beside us. Needless to say by the end of the day we were quite close.

I, normally, am not much for crowds and people, but on these types of days I resign myself to situation and enjoy it. The people you talk to in these situations will probably not be seen again, so it is easy to converse for me as there are no strings attached. Two of the ladies beside me were democrats, but clearly in our park politically. There were alot of young people there. One thing I thought was ironic was the presence of minorities. There were none with the exception of a fairly decent representation of the Asian community. I saw one sign in Spanish and one talking about the islanders coming across the ditch. I am not completely sure what this meant.

I was slightly distracted with photographs during the speech but here are some of the things I picked up. She spoke to our strong military crowd admonishing Obama's poor view of what our guys are actually doing in Iraq. Promised to support the troops as she has a son in those ranks. She addressed the gas situation by promising to support alternative methods of energy. Nuclear was very popular with that crowd. It gets such a bad rap, but she is for it and I heard no negative comments from the crowd. At least one of the other politicians mentioned it too. She is in support of drilling off shore, "according to what the state desires". I did like her reference to this being a state decision. She spoke of education, very similar to Bush's "no child left behind". She spoke of lowering our taxes and quoted my favorite president, Ronald Reagan. Actually I was very surprised at how often Reagan and his ideas were discussed favorably.

She is a lovely personable woman. I have issues with McCain but am impressed with his choice of Palin. The crowd was behind McCain as a hero. I so love these types of rallies. They are so American. When God Bless the USA was played hands were raised everywhere. The local NFL football coach led the pledge of allegiance followed by a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. We only saw respect for the flag and our country. There is no place like the United States of America.

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