Saturday, October 25, 2008

There are now four teenagers in the Tyson home.

When my girls were young, I was often told to enjoy these days because it is oh so much harder when they are teenagers. While I do think those days went by quickly, I do not think they were the easiest. They were the busiest, most difficult days of my adult life. Little ones are demanding creatures and added to that is their daddy. They were great days that I wouldn't trade, but I don't want to go back to those days.

Teenagers are another breed that brings a new set of problems. For one thing, they develop opinions and they express them. I try to remind my kids that it is not what they say but how they say it but that takes a while to sink in. Then there is the selective hearing. They never seem to hear my instructions and often to my response to their negligence I receive the "I didn't hear you" response. The biggest issue now is the driving. I have two driving. This does make my life much easier, for example, I used to take them to tennis practice and have to stay or return. Sometimes they can play for up to 5 hours and still want to keep going. Now I can stay home and get things done. On the other hand, with the driving comes worrying on my part. The consensus of the members of my family is that they don't have to worry because I do it all for them. I do worry about them and driving. They are very responsible and have been taught to be a tough target but there are really crazy people out there.

One of the worst things about teenagers is that they are closer to being out of the house. I am not one of those moms that are counting down the days to my "freedom". I will miss my girls as they take their place in the adult world. They may stay close, but they may not. Regardless, their roles will change and I am sure I will adjust. Until then I will Love them while I can and remember that These are the best of times.

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