I wanted to write my next blog on recovery, and I still may. I thought of this verse. I read the entire chapter for background and verse 28 spoke loudly to me. I have been reading Lee Stobles books. Currently I am reading The Case for a Creator.
In the early 1900s it was easy for scientists the accept The theory that our universe was the result of a random explosion. Simple, finite minds easily believed that the "precise fine tuned order" we observe exists from such a haphazard beginning. As technology improves we are able to see more of the beautiful detail in God's creation and respected scientists acknowledge that this order could not have resulted from randomness. There had to have been a designer, an origin. Most are not ready to acknowledge God, but readily admit the fine tuning requires a tuner.
Well, I do know this Creator and this give verse 28 significance for me. Hast thou not known? Has thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. God, the Creator is the source of our strength. He is the One who makes our strength new. We can fly, run and walk through our days in Victory.
A little old school worship
A little old school worship
Strobe light, Lee. The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Evidence That Points Toward God. Zondervan. Grand Rapids,MI. 2004. Print
Isaiah 40. Holy Bible. KJV. Print.
Avalon. "Can't Live a Day Without You". In a Different Light. 1999. Audio.
Avalon. "Can't Live a Day Without You". In a Different Light. 1999. Audio.
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