Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I Think I am Finally Ready

The maletas are packed (that's suitcases for the gringos). My list for distributing the kids is written. Medical releases are signed. The girls have been instructed to act grown up and be very helpful, in other words, don't act like I'm here. Krista isn't quite where I wanted her in school. Today the science lesson was genetics and cloning. Math was graphing and coordinate planes. There was no was I could do either of those justice with everything I had to do and there was no way she was getting that on her own. She just have to be behind pace and catch up when I get back. She is at least a week ahead in two classes and she is not behind in science and math. We will survive.

We will be at the airport about 6:20 and will land in Miami 10ish. As I said before, I will relax when I get on the plane....maybe


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