Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Just another day in the Tysons Home

Today was another school day. It probably wouldn't be considered normal as it was very productive. Krista is actually finished with her week in 2 subjects and has moved ahead. This is quite an accomplishment. She had an oral test with her math teacher and she raved about her progress and said she has alot of poise on the phone. That's Krista, you never know what you are going to get. We had a wonderful conversation with Andrea's marine science teacher at 9:40 last night. She was behind and he fussed at her.

Today we all visited the dentist. They took a pound of plaque from her teeth. She doesn't brush her teeth. They gave her a timer so she will brush her teeth long enough. Joanna and Andrea had cavities. I guess we need to go more often.

As I type, Jimmy is practicing her Spanish verbs. fun fun.

Have a great day

1 comment:

Krista said...

I forgot something very important. The anniversary of 9/11. I heard One More Day with clips of events surrounding the tragedy. It is still so moving. As the president said evil people thought that they could defeat America but it didn't happen. God bless the USA.