Thursday, January 24, 2008

Finally my sister in argentina has emailed me back in witch i am happy for. but she never really tells me aboute whats going on up their or down their i don't know if it's up or down i can't remember anyways she never tells me whats going on so this time i told her to tell me in the next emil to all aboute argentina because i dont know what it's like becuase she won't tell me. hopfully her next email is long because that will mean that it's packed with all the information aboute argetina. i think that since she's down their she should at leaste tell us aboute the food. well she used to do that but she doesn't even do that anymore. i hope her internet is not always down hopfully so she can tell me all aboute argentina in her next email. i am sooo excided about her next email.

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